Quoted By:
>Numerous caps of her were from me, most notably picrel, although there were plenty of others
>The AI shit
>The collage pics of her with the "what didn't you save her" attached to it
>Contributing to the Binx/Bianca = Vader/Anakin thing
>Putting extra heat onto Bong by compiling his discord messages and spreading them
>Being an autistic savant and analyzing a fucking doorknob to determine if she was at Albert's place leading to the pizza shit
>The now infamous copy pasta
>Contributing towards getting Cvatik out (at least that was a good thing)
>Convincing /ftl/ I was in a loveless relationship and refusing to let my GF leave because I needed a fuckhole (we're fine by the way, she helped with some of it and thinks this was funny)
Truly some of the best times I've had on here. Binx if you end up seeing this, I really don't have any hatred towards you. Quite the opposite actually. I just thought it would be funny. Bianca mi amor, perdóname.