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So many seekers of true Aryan Spirituality completely miss the Iranian Angle - many get the Indian part, which is what Iranian Religion looked like after having fallen into polytheism before Zarathustra restored Mazdayansi to its original Monotheistic state.
Zoroastrianism is an inherently Left Hand Path Religion, as it focuses on the Value of the Individual obtaining (reobtaining) a Divine State.
It has been said to be a near perfect balance between Left & Right Hand Path Religions, as well as Poly & Mono theistic practices.
It is the origin of Angels, the Concept of Heaven/Hell, Prophets (Jesus was prophecized by the Persian Magi long before the Jews)
In fact, Judaism was nothing but a materialistic desert cult with No concept of after Life, heaven/hell, etc - all that came from Hebrew interaction with the Zoroastrians when Aryan King Cyrus the Great liberated them from the Babylonian Captivity. Enter the Pharisees, or the Hebrews with "persian" ideas.
The snake, original Man & Woman, the Garden, etc - ALL of this was lifted from Zoroastrianism.
The Abrahamic Religions all lifted heavily from Zoroastrianism, and are but cheap imitations of it. Zoroastrianism was the largest Religion in ancient days, it was the "gold standard" of Religions. The "big 3" right now, with the exception of original Christianity, were designed to enslave Man, rather than FREE Him, which is the intent and Goal of Mazdayansi, the Good/Noble Religion.
Breaking Free of the judaic spiritual egregore is one of the most important things we can do - unfortunately so many people still believe Jesus was a Jew & reflected specifically hebraic religous values - but Jesus was a Zoroastrian.
The medeival church has deliberately obfuscated the IndoEuropean (Aryan) intent, legacy & influence of original Christianity.
Jesus' God was "the Heavenly Father of All Creation" - not the corrupt & angry God, a contractual Boss of a "chosen few."