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I met my milk trucc gf 7 months ago on tinder. She was the type who was rather disgusted by the idea of tinder and was only on it for a short amount of time so I got lucky. Went for a camping trip up north last long weekend and dropped many redpills on her about Jews and racial crime statistics and communism/Marxism. She wasn't bothered about it at all. I took the advice that is regularly posted on here, that you need to be calm and assertive and just be a self sustaining man in general and eventually she will conform to your worldview. She's extremely loyal and crazy about me and is even out of my league, I'm not a good looking guy or rich either; very weak chin and jawline and I have small bones which doesn't allow me to put on lots of muscle, even though I still try to. Point being is there is hope for you guys, find yourself first though; get a decent job, be good at it, learn other useful skills, stop drinking, fapping, and doing drugs, be a decision maker and never second guess yourself, start lifting weights and eating well (meat and eggs based diet none of this meme green vegetable and whole grain garbage), and stop fucking playing vidya, and you will find someone, good luck