When I think about how many years we've chase after these orgs, uncovering what appeared to be more than necessary to cause some of them to fall, it seems what we really wind up doing is the chasing ghosts.
Yes, we become red-pilled, and the process does help to enlighten others, who, in kind, pass it around...
...but, we know in our hearts that nothing will formally change until THE TIME IS RIGHT.
All we can do is present "the flavor du jour" and hope that as many sleepy-eyed, or lost-in-the-fray people as possible are enlightened or our efforts.
>On another note: regarding: "the search censoring is getting really interesting".May I ask 'where' the censoring you are referencing is taking place? Here?
▪"in revolutionary times"
I once did a study on taverns through the ages, their being the prime place where mechants gathered to ply their trades.
Our Backroom Coffee House consideration brought to mind The Algonquin Round Table, here I am sitting amongst the sharpest minds this Himalayan basket-weaving forum has to offer, with no where near the level of grey-matter that you gents distinctly possess.
I am out-classed, and yet, comforted, to be pretty much accepted as an equal despite my deficits.
>IF we are to 'go somewhat dark', it might be prudent not to ruffle too many feathers in the interim.