In the beginning God created everything by creating polar opposites. In math it would be that he made out of 0, +1 and -1 which together are still 0, but now are something. In physics this is the big bang creating out of nothing matter and anti matter, energy and dark energy, protons and electrons. In the bible its seperating heaven from earth, days from the nights, the sun from the moon, the female from the male, adams rib
In all cultures this unification comes up as a theme over and over, be it the marriage, uniting male and female, often dressed in black and white, resulting in the magic of a new kid being born, or be it the solar eclipse uniting sun and moon together. Couple thousand of years ago they talked about the same concept of the Big Bang
Another bit of hidden wisdom in the Bible:
According to Mainstream Science snakes lost their legs in the evolutionary process
>14So the LORD God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, Cursed are you above all livestock, and every beast of the field! On your belly will you go, and dust you will eat, all the days of your life. Here too the snake is made to crawl on its belly implying it didnt do so before meaning it most likely had legs but lost it just like Mainstream Science suggests too
>>7602575>obelisks here, goes into a lot of other symbolism throughout the thread. as for leylines, im not sold those really exist. a lot of stuff seems to be aligned with one another on an individual scale, but globally there are just so many monuments i believe you could draw lines anywhere and have stuff line up with it.
>>7602578if i would have an answer i would have replied already, i try to not give info on stuff i dont have any info on. based on the big eyes and rough headshape i would say it gets fairly close to what we call a grey ay which i would say is a demon instead