>>20086870"Well ya clearly ain't been lettin' yah mouf rest lahk ya body has been. Dat's good stuff, Doons. But Ah got some bad noos faw yah: it ain't April no maw!"
"Uh, well Ah mean it is. But it ain't April twenny-free no maw! Tings have changed arahn'd 'ere, and youse is old noos. Whahl youse took ta bawl an went scuttlin' back to ya mah's house, Ah was workin' mah ass awf ta get better. 'Caws unlahk youse, one little laws dun phase me. Ah use it as fyool ta get stron-gah. Faw-teen straight lawses made me inta da woman Ah is taday, and dere ain't nuffin youse can say ta crack mah shell."
"So we's is gawn fight. We's is gawn go at it in dat ring, and Ah'm gawna show youse Ah ain't da crab Ah was when youse last fawt here. Youse is gonna get lawked in DEE Bawston Crab, and youse is gawn tap or youse is gawna snap. And when youse are looking up at DEE winner from DEE mat, youse are gawna see da simple fact dat awl da fahns in da Double-Double A already knows."
"Da sun is settin' on Donnah's sands. And when the sun goes dahn..."