>>20576818Pajeet hate is now 100% mainstream. All over every social media we have reached total saturation of Pajeet hate. At the same time as Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram all entirely hate Pajeets, the media has joined in by exposing Pajeet spies and assasination plots, painting Modi and the BJP as Hindu extremists for their assasination plots with major political scandals breaking out in Canada and Australia over Pajeet spies and interference of the government. The US has arrested people with direct ties to Modi, the BJP and R&AW for their role in the assasination. And we have new AI toys to play with.
Meanwhile, the scambaiters and people like Perogi and Jim Browning keep scoring major wins.
Pajeet hate is now entirely global, 24/7 and will never end. Reportjeets can only cope and seethe as India is made an international pariah and the entire world, every single race, color and creed is united in never ending Pajeet hate.
/pol/ is victorious.