>>18359339>Dear, oh dear. It seems that the Shogun has rejected our good tidings. You are now proclaiming the Saiyan is your friend? Hmph, last I recall, friends don’t look to demoralize the other to the point of suicidal tendencies.RRaaaRRRRghhhheeggg……
>You also claim that Kryptine is an abomination, an unholy being? You are wrong. Kryptine and my other beloved are a product of science, not religion. You would do well to get more in touch with the real world, Shogun.HHHUUUURRRAAAGGGhhhhhhhmm…mmmmmmMMMmm….
>Maybe this little “exhibition” will snap you back into reality. The same goes for your little imp and equally annoying preacher of the Word. There is a lot riding on the line here, and we will not hold back. Now, if our devil would wish to exchange sweet parting words with her fiddle, it is currently your chance…RRRAAAAUHH…UHHHHHAAGGH…RRrrrrrrrRRRrrrrrrrrr……