>>13426953I don't know what a diatom fossil is. That's why i ignored it. You're talking to a lay-person, I'm not an expert in the field of genetics and fossils, almost nobody is. If you can't explain this stuff to a normal person then normal people like me have no reason to believe you.
You've given me several examples of micro-evolution, similar to how we've artificially micro-evolved dogs to different types. but at the end of the day, a Rottweiler and a Pug are both still dogs. If there was a single case of a dog giving birth to a non-dog, then I might believe it. There would be a market for it, and there most certainly is a demand for exotic pets and hypothetical evolved "Not-Dogs" would be in demand, so forcing evolution would be a completely viable purpose for a study. So I'd like to see someone do it. Let's see somebody alter dogs so much that they're not dogs anymore, they're a new species.
Also, here's the dividing lines for yellow-orange-red, as far as I'm concerned.