Yes anon and it is so easy a caveman can do it. Let me tell you a story after following the instructions in this video : [Embed]
>Be anon>Spend majority of time reading into conspiracies and inner workings of tptb>become blackpilled>had a few unexplainable events happen as a child, plants seed of God but never ascribe to specific religions>Can't remember how but stumble upon video above, am demoralized beyond repair decide to give it a shot>Get drunk asf with woman, start lamenting about the hopelessness of our spiraling decline, I beg for knowledge from "demonniggers" to help me create chaos in the lives of these "pedoniggers", out loud lamenting "WHAT DO WE DO" over and over>Continue meditation about 30minutes a day, for the next month, this is during the introduction of coronachan>Laying in bed on my side, finger pressed between my forehead projecting light and worthy to note I liked to envision me leaving my body trying to visualize everything about my surrounding I can remember as I get higher , I bring apu with me and enjoy sending thousands of him to his death battling dark visages>I get lost in the meditation but still lucidly awake>suddenly a growl, sounding exactly like the alien from the predator movies is whispered into my ear that is facing up and my spine 'pops' rhythmically from my pelvis to my neck.>An entity appears laying beside me, I should note I had opened my eyes as the popping and growl was happening>I see the entity as a dull light outline of a human body and a face I could not perceive>It speaks immediately, in a womans voice "what do we do">I spring out of bed, close my pineal gland (instructions in video) and begin questioning existence