>>20731448Now from the fore-going Rules, we are taught to drown the Many Wills, that have been generated
from the mixed Essence of the Soul, and to loose them in the Abyssal-Deep, from whence then may
spring the Virgin-Will, that never was in Bondage to any thing of degenerate Man, but stands free
and clear in Conjunction with Almighty Power. Which will most certainly produce answerable
Consequences, as kept fixed in the Socket, where the burning Oil of the Holy Ghost flames out in
sparkling Magick, operating here and there upon Persons and Things, for Change and Renovation:
yet none can pierce the way, but such as are become Masters of his high Art. I know nothing more
worthy for the single Eye to look into, and contend for, than the Magia of Faith, which was once
delivered unto, and exerted by the Saints of former Generations; and why we should give it for lost
now, I see no cause, but should be earnest for the reviving of it, and calling it up from the Dead.