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oh my fucking god i did it
i have gone almost two years without having any fucking contact with a girl intimately, and tonight i just spent it making out with this one girl i woo’d for the whole night.
before all that, i was so fucking done. i was done. i have had the shittiest luck trying to get any girl, and this morning i had fully accepted i was done. so i had thought
idgaf if i wanna continue seeing this girl or not. all i care is that i got what i shot for. this is more than enough for me.
call it what you may: god, jehova, allah, buddha, odin, tao, etc. All i know is that “it” exists, and i have been shown what i am capable of.
Anon, i’ve got fucked teeth, almost brit level. but i managed with a qt thicc girl. i did. And you can too. literally all you need to do.. is talk. literally just say “how’s it going” or whatnot. it’s that fucking easy. I used to think it was hard but fuck no, its easy
I believe in you. I believe in me. I believe we can fucking do this