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Absolutely definitely, I got one or more new new zappers in the underside of the shaft of my penis, not in the head head but high enough that they are directly under the head due to the Darth Vader helmet angle, which is to say they are essentially right in the most sensitive part of my whole penis or removed by some single digit number of millimeters. I got zapped again right now with that nigger CHAH on the LRAD saying SNARF. His people don't think I am going to kill them, and if his brother David fights against him then I will not because I can ask nothing more than that you fight, but the ones who don't fight against him are all going to suffer and David's story may be like Job's story in that all the former people were taken away. The shit in the mouths of CHAH's people and the car batteries attached to their genitals will be the least of their problems when I give them to those enemies of theirs who are far more familiar with torture than I am.
100% confirmed, zappers all across the top of my dick in the head or about 1mm below, and not probably at least two zappers in the underside of the shaft about 1cm below the head now, as well as zappers on the underside where the penis meets the shaft, as well as MANY grain of rice mega-zapper implants all down the urethra, wrigglers all down my pisshole, as well as zappers all over my scrotum, as well well as an anus full of wrigglers and zappers, and a butt crack full of wrigglers and zappers and wrigglers and zappers out on my ass cheeks as well, as well as both feet full of zappers, and who knows what implanted in my back, as well as zappers all over my legs and inner thighs adjacent to my genitals. I still often wonder if there are camera implanted in my eyes or if they just do the computerized vision reconstruction from the brain scanner implants which I didn't mention in the above list.