>>4028043Attacking a woman's attractiveness is the nuclear option in a shit test. It's how you end the relationship when you don't want the relationship to keep going.
A nuclear deterrent doesn't work unless you are completely prepared and ready to use it.
No, let me tell you how to make an Asian girl fall in love with you.
Normally, I would tell you do the shit you should be doing anyway. Go to a gym. Learn how to hold frame. Learn dread game.
But. This one is for the betas. Because Asian women have a secret back door. And no, I don't mean ass. But this will help you get that ass.
I shouldn't even be telling you this. It's real easy. It's the ultimate Asian babe panty dropper. And you're not going to believe me when I tell you.
Tell her you're going to take her camping.
You're thinking, but she's a glamor girl. Doesn't matter. You're thinking, but I hate camping. Learn to love it you beta fag.
Walk up to her and say "Ppsh, girl the lines at REI are way too long."
The gasping noises she's making are her orgasm.
Then say "But I picked up one of those metal hiking sticks."
Try to ignore the flood of pussy juice that just splattered on the ground.
"And I also got a really nice tent and two of those sleeping bags that zip together. I wish I had someone to go camping with."
The shimmering lights around her hips are just the portal to the dimension that is teleporting her panties off her body. It also alters the timeline so she never owned any panties in the first place. That is the level of panty drop this is for Asian women.
No I'm not joking. She wants you to take her camping. She wants to go camping very very badly.
It is all she can think about.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OrCA1OInoo(Bonus, it's your competition!)