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As an Indian who was born in America, I have had nothing but love and respect for the nation my parents migrated to. I always adhered to American social norms in the public and tried my best to integrate as well as I could, even going to the extent of speaking English with my parents at home. I even built a diverse friend group, deliberately avoiding having only other Indian friends. Overall I was the archetype of the model minority, a skilled child of immigrants who came legally, pays his taxes and seamlessly integrates into the wider American culture.
However what did I get for all this effort? Just hatred and contempt from older whites. Everywhere I go people refuse to see me as an American, I constantly get asked 'Where are you REALLY from?'. Things were still somewhat tolerable but Trump's election just changed everything. I truly have lost count of how many times I heard 'You just have to go back' by racist whites both online and offline. Go back where?! I was fucking born here!!
I am just as American as someone who traces their ancestry to the Mayflower, we both share the same nation, but you fucking racists have completely ruined our social fabric. So guess what /pol/ I actually am leaving this time for Australia. I would much rather go to a nation that values its Multicultural society.
So there you have it /pol/, a skilled child of migrants who seamlessly integrated into American culture is gonna leave now because you dumb racists cannot handle diversity. Happy now /pol/?