>>19633990Subsequently, Westney, Jenkins, Butts, and Williams (1984) found that 60 percent of 11-year-old black boys had reached the stage of accelerated penis growth in contrast to the white norm of 50 percent of 12.5-year-olds. This genital stage significantly predicted onset of sexual interest, with over 2 per cent of black boys experiencing intercourse by age 11.
the size of genitalia (Orientals smallest, blacks largest);
Rushton and Bogaert (1987) averaged the ethnographic data on erect penis size and estimated them to approximate: Orientals, 4 to 5.5 inches in length (10-14 cm) and 1.25 inches in diameter (3.2 cm); Caucasians, 5.5 to 6 inches in length (14-15.3 cm) and 1.3 to 1.6 inches in diameter (3.3-4.1 cm); blacks, 6.25 to 8 inches in length (15.9-20.3 cm) and 2 inches in diameter (5.1 cm).