>>19332414>[Omega simply does an exaggerated eyebrow raise and mouths along with Oni's naming of her -- it's the most blasé 'Kelly By Goddess' Omega you'll ever see. If people could speak in lower case, this was it. But she visibly cringes when Onigiri says the (PROPOSED!) team name, and butts in with a reply:]"We're still brainstorming the name. Trust me."
>>19334435>[Omega can't help but smirk as Mare gets Holly name so close, but so wrong.]"Heh, Hoopster. You know, Mare, I think you've got a shot. What's Jade ever done, am I right? Ah, 'Hoopster'. Shit, that's good."
>[Kelly picks up on Karna's reaction. It's a horrible feeling, Omega know.]"You got screwed, kid -- uh, Karna. For a second when you came down, I thought that belt was the IC one. Not a doubt in my mind you'll have it one day, you know. Er, after the Imp, of course."
>[There's no eye contact. Omega finds the article on page 12 very interesting. Did you know alcohol sales are up over 650% in the last few weeks? Spaghetti Town officials are baffled.]