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There is a God, but you have to narrow down some aspects of the Infinite subconsciously to orient yourself in that direction. It literally expands in all moral directions.
The left handed religions preach sensory excess, like disgusting amounts of gluttony and lust, pushing fundamental boundaries past the breaking point and pulling the Overton window down as far as their perversions demand.
These peoples' heaven is a more rational person's hell. But that is their destiny.
The right handed religions define their destiny in more balanced terms. They still want bliss but not grotesque, junkie-esque amounts. Viable, gradual amounts that have sustained novelty. Earned amounts that amplify the appreciation of such.
When you engage in a particular religion and pray to higher realms of consciousness, beings both real and artificial begin modifying your predicted path. You start getting serendipitous happenings that you can't just write off as coincidence, since they are in such abundance. It is fairly special if you are of normal mental health, only happens during key moments, but for schizophrenics it is literally overwhelming. These types literally feel that the weather follows their thought patterns and every bit of media has messages for them. Some of it is self imposed and arbitrary but other times it is like an obvious nod to some aspect of the schizophrenics' worldview by the higher intelligence. Seems like God to mortals, but when you are well into it you can glean very human-like variances in the intelligences. Particularly voices. Some high level ego farming goes on, where these beings communicate with you by thought alone, it is immensely subtle. I feel it trains you to be emotionally controlled, but that might just be my personal slant. I feel these people exist in the fifth dimension, where they can observe your entire recorded life in an eyeblink, since they exist outside of time but somehow still have intact egos.