Quoted By:
World Conquest- Birth of a New Leader of mankind Anonymous (ID: FEibGzY5) NZ 11/24/17(Fri)00:21:31 No.150698527▶
Gentlemen, it has come to my attention due to the peak vulnerability of the SJW libtards, ANTIFAGS and a persistent ideology that seeks to neuter all men of their masculinity by turning them into soyboys or androgynous faggots, that I have no other choice but to take it upon myself to plot the conquest of all low intelligent subhumans under my authority in a Roman Empire style of Conquest. I of course will appoint generals to my growing army and vast legion of memers and warriors to also annihilate the kikes, sand-niggers, Niggers and libtards in the most brutal and barbaric way possible.
Our forces consist of a few if not laughable members shunned by the rest of this hypergamous society. What we need is to hold nothing back in our relentless memetic warfare as the Great Leader Adolf Hitler has done. The God Emperor Trump has slowed down the plague, but we must take it upon ourselves to completely and utterly purge the faggotry of the face of the earth. No one shall be spared in this conquest. For too long we have played nice. For too long we have remained civil. Now we take action and we reconquer the West and rebuild it to greatness. But first, the degeneracy and decadence that is plaguing the west must be burned. Along with the Jewish backed politicans and bankers. No Mercy.
I, General Pablo Bratwurst, the Aryan Spic Nazi shall lead thee to greatness, and if the Sandniggers should ever take our lands, we shall take their Women for ourselves as all women are hereby property and it is all fairgame.
Who shall join me in this conquest of beer, memes, subjugation of inferior men and women, of course Pussy. Who is with Me?
"En el nombre de mi pene, Nostoros va gana."