>>6432120Romantic love forever and if that fails moving on to the next partner until it works is a degenerate meme from the sixties. Loving a spouse and raising a family however is something else entirely.
The first means you will most likely die out (very rich people like actors and the like sometimes use surrogate mothers to get a child, but that way cannot work for the masses for obvious reasons).
The second means passing on the gift of life that has been given to you by your ancestors, from the first microbe, the amphibians, reptiles, the first rat like mammals, early humans, and then your human forefathers and their tribes, peoples and nations. For some of them it was probably easy to pass on life, but for many it was not. None, not one of your ancestors chose to succumb in difficult circumstances. All of them went the extra mile when they had to and then another and then another. They killed sabretooth tigers with sharpened sticks, they made the desert habitable and they fought tooth and nail for thousands of years so that you and your kin can live on a little piece of this earth that you can call your own.
Living the bachelor style voluntarily while not being a great warrior, explorer, scientist or somebody else who improves life for his people basically means a big „Fuck you“ to your ancestors.
Raising a family means honoring them.