>>6489128>I've lost everything, have no job but a great engineering degree, can't motivate myself to do anything, feel like I've failed in every capacity of life, and don't see any way to make up for my failure. >I would ironically choose fighting in a war for 5 years over doing another 4 months of this.I have been empty and purposeless before, but I swear to you that you can pull yourself from the darkness. In fact the experience will make you far more powerful than your peers if you can steady your ambition and stalk your purpose. Small efforts echo loudly in your future, but you must believe in yourself. No one will understand until you fight for yourself. Nothing is an obstacle unless you quit. You have learned much and paid for your knowledge, use your new found data and build. It's the only way forward and you will be miles ahead of your contemporaries if you incorporate your profound loss into your new calculess. Your Spirit is all you have at the end of the day anon, Don't let it be diminished.