>>21997630many such cases. let me guess, you are out of touch with your own culture, feel like nobody can really understand you, and disconnected and estranged from the divine? you're desperate for a partner to dance with and being driven to the ends of the earth in your quest. i know i've said it before, but i suggest percussive music, prayer, and more prayer.
had a dream about running and cycling. the joys and pains of the journey, the friends we make along the way, the dishonest merchants we inevitably meet beside the path, and the fickleness of destinations. not sure what it all meant, but i woke up sweaty and feeling like my journey was not over.
yes. you seeing this post means i'm awake. at an unpleasant and unwanted time. but that's just one more lesson to be learned about journeys, we aren't in control of the timetable, no matter how much we think we are. futures sending mixed messages. i have no faith in their communicative power at the moment so i suggest walking on by and waiting for real time trade and doing something useful this morning, like checking your horoscope, making tea, or learning trivia.