>>1561937>73>You get in Position to attack>Your Guardsmen Entrench themselves>They will attack at your order>>1561964>46>You shout the Navy Seal Copypasta>Nothing Happens>>1561968>86>You can't find cover,you see a car not to far away from you,also you manage to take 3 arumes down>>1561978>87>You manage to make a weapon with the Plastic Pole>It's shit and will break at the first hit>>1561997>79>You have minor Scratches and cuts in your body,nothing serious, also there is a car close by with Aki and the Captain on the front seat>>1562000>TRIPS>You get a Human Uniform>One of the Arumes /K/ommando stops you''GOT ANY LAST WORDS HUMANS SCUM?''
>They are nearly shooting at you but at the last moment>Your Cellphone RingsGO CORY GO CORY GO CORY
>Cory In the House Anthem Plays''Alright You seem to be a soldier like these clowns,we won't shoot you''
>Cory in the House theme Saves your life