>>10211670It would be one permanent sleep paralysis.
I too would like to know how many. Yonkers does too. And Maggy, if that is Maggy.
>in this very moment I am euphoricEdgy atheist, sure. But pedo? They already assume that animeposters are pedos. Either diddlers or trannies. In fact even if you happen to be a wimmin, you still get labelled as one. Which brings me to my next point, now why exactly would a woman frequent a website infamous for its hatred of them? Masochism is my guess.
>kinoWhy else would he live all alone in the woods if not for a desire to self-isolate?
>>10211687My schizophrenia tells me that the alphabet soup men are here too.
>>10211673I was browsing /x/ for cursed images, this one works too, whatever the hell that is.