>>21751476(Isaiah 42:8) “I am Jehovah. THAT IS MY NAME; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images.
(Psalm 83:18) That people may know that you, WHOSE NAME IS JEHOVAH, YOU ALONE are the Most High over all the earth.
(Ezekiel 36:23) ‘And I shall certainly sanctify my great name, which was being profaned among the nations, which YOU profaned in the midst of them; and the nations will have to know that I am Jehovah,’...
(Ezekiel 38:23) And I shall certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’
>>(Matthew 6:9, 10) “YOU must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.>(John 17:6) “I(JESUS) have made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world. They were yours, and you gave them to me, and they have observed your word.>(John 17:26) And I(JESUS) have made your name known to them and will make it known, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them.”>(Hebrews 2:12) as he says: “I(JESUS) will declare your name to my brothers; in the middle of [the] congregation I will praise you with song.”>(Psalm 22:22) I(JESUS) will declare your name to my brothers; In the middle of the congregation I shall praise you.