>>3668867Tell him to wake the fuck up and realize the power he has inside him. That everything is just a fucking game and nothing matters and to eat a nice fucking meal for once. There is an ocean inside this lost soul and it's up to you to pull him out.
Send him music that will relate to his sad sack of shit situation. I recommend Andrew Jackson Jihad and Atmosphere.
There is also this channel that you could drop into his lap and forget about him.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7IcJI8PUf5Z3zKxnZvTBogThis is coming from a hermit who broke free from depression. Dude just needs to feel a little love. Remind him he's going to fucking die. That everything in life has a beautiful aspect to it. Like a flower color. Then a flower's cells that make up that color. Then the mechanisms that go into the creation of the cell. Then realizing this is happening on so many different layers of reality on top of everyone has a different reality in general as a whole.
No man is an island and I beg you please don't let this one drift into solipsism. You literally have to connect. Go be a dumb ass. It's hard to be depressed when something absurd is going on. Get him to read some Camus and then some Dostoyevsky.