>>13140845Because God loves us He sent an aspect of Himself to die for us and suffer alongside us, even though we don't deserve that love. Despite contnously betraying Him and spitting in His face time and time again He decided to give the wrteched vermin known as humans a shot at salavtion. That was love, if it was justice alone, for all the evil humans have brought to this earth we should have been exterminated and had our souls eternally damned.
Look at humans today, many don't know how to appreciate the concept because they are so entitled. So many fools screech about earthly suffering as if we don't deserve it or as if we aren't the ones who caused most of it. So even in this thread you'll see people kvetching the same dribble:
"If God exists why does he alow suffering"
>muh suffering>muh dying children>muh unanswered prayers>muh pain>muh emotionsJust crying about the pain of a temporary existance. Just pure emption and entitlement with no logic.They don't want a just and loving God they want a slave who will serve them and protect them from any hardship. And don't even get me started on the fucked up degeneracy and slaughter that was brought on by man's hand.
Despite all that, God still holds love for man offering a path to salvation,we can never fully understand that love or know the reasoning but it's there.
So might as well strive to become a being that doesn't piss on that love entirely