>>10163745For me personally, that never worked .(although OP has already stated that it's what he'd like to believe so that may be best for him because he's ready). I had to logically process it through another method of interpreting it.
Another example of my analogy is if you read IRON JOHN (a fairy tale, I like the version on Genius). It's like 4 minutes to read. Then go on a car ride or chill with the audiobook I linked to IRON JOHN by ROBERT BLY.
In short, you realize Iron John is good because, How else did it survive for hundreds of years. Then you realize it is a story about rites of passage, but you missed over all of the symbology that makes it great until BLY makes it really obvious - the dipping the hair in the water - the ugliness of Iron John.
The bible isn't meant to be taken literal until it's understood symbolically. This is where "Christians" fuck it up. "TAKE THE LORD AS YOUR GOD" well yeah obviously, If your IQ is room temperature you'll blindly believe anything - but if you understand WHY, you should then you can elaborate on what you would actually do to "Take the lord as your God" or "Jesus has risen" what that means. By doing this as an exercise you can then quickly spot shills.