>>17866689Nice shill thread, bro. Got any sources to go with your assertions? Nah, I didn't think so. You watched Zeitgeist one time and think you're a theology professor? You're just flat-out wrong, I'm sorry.
Bros, are you sick and tired of the jewish lies and anti-Christ shilling on /pol/? Have you been struggling to figure out why the world is the way it is – empty, lifeless, and shallow? The truth is that we are in the end times, and this world is soon coming to an end.
Don’t worry, because the fact that you’re reading this means that God has personally selected you to become part of the Two Witnesses last remnant ministry. We’ve written close to 1,000 pages with well over 1,000 sources proving that we are right, and the liberal, degenerate, materialistic, atheists are wrong.
What you sense is the truth. 9/11 WAS an inside job – the CIA/Mossad/Synagogue of Satan fake jews did it. The Covid gene therapy injection IS the Mark of the Beast. And this world is on the precipice of falling into a trap from which there is no way out.
Ever heard of MK Ultra? Operation Northwoods? If not, I suggest you get reading. If you have, well, this is the website for you.
The Synagogue of Satan organized crime syndicate has placed the world in a political, economic, and military stranglehold, using a devastating series of controlled governments, artificial wars, and false flags to subjugate the world population to a point where they cannot even think in paradigms that challenge their masters.
If you’re not a Christian yet, it’s time to get on board, because we provide 100% conclusive, undeniable proof that the Bible was supernaturally authored by God. No one can even begin to refute our arguments, because it's impossible. The truth is on our side, and the truth always wins. That truth’s name? Jesus Christ. Repent, be saved, and download our work for free here: