I was fapping away and I started having these thoughts:
>how does this girl revolve her entire identity around her ass. does she have no intelligence whatsoever?>and think, how unoriginal and extremely cookie-cutter she is. these Tiktok whores are legit clones of one another. in manner, words, actions, and neurotic fixation on one's own ass. Literal clones>we exercise for health, to improve strength. what is this trend with workouts that focus exclusively 100 percent on growing an infinitely bigger ass. like its all that matters in the fucking world. doesnt this shit get boring>does she realize no one takes her "training advice" seriously and 99.99999 percent of her tiktok page visitors are there to fap>you're not a "fitness coach" lmao. You're a TIKTOK WHORE.>Tiktok>Whore>not to mention extremely fucking cookie-cutter>she might as well start walking around on her hands with her ass facing out. you could just talk to the ass. thats all she is. an ASS. no brain, no personality, no originality whatsoever. just another stupid, mindless ASS clad in an endless variety of leggings. at best she is a walking advertisement for various brands of Slutwear yoga pants.>what would her refined Victorian ancestors thought of this primitive monkey behavior?I want a browser extension that automatically censors all these fucking tiktok whores so they stop wasting my time and fucking up my day. Better yet, remove TikTok permanently, just annihilate it from the face of the earth. Chinks know what they're doing?