>>9150072If you really want to know...
>https://sites.google.com/site/newrevelation2001/“The first twelve epochs were preceded by the epoch of androgynous people who came to
this world by a direct endowment of The Most High. The very first of the twelve epochs is an
epoch in which the direct endowment was replaced by scientific bi-cloning, as described in
the book Fundamentals of Human Spirituality. This epoch, in the terms of physical time,
lasted the longest — approximately twenty five million years.”
“At the end of the twelfth epoch, described in Chapter Six in The Book of Genesis of The
Holy Bible, an extreme genetic experimentation was conducted. This experimentation
resulted in a production of various life forms, mostly of the negative nature. These produced
unique animal life forms on your planet are described by your scientists in various
paleontological terms (such as dinosaurs, for example).”
“At the same time, various other scientific experimentations were taking place. One of these
ended in a carefully planned great catastrophe that triggered the ice ages and other
phenomena which split the core of your planet and divided one continent into several. This
process resulted in wiping out most of the animal and plant life existing at that time and
produced by the pseudo-creators. This happened particularly during the twelfth epoch of their presence on your planet.”