>>10217164yes, reunify with Sophia, Shakti energy through kundalini activation
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KundaliniOne’s seeking reaches a milestone pivot point when it confronts and integrates the duality within its own soul, recognizes its oneness with the universe, and the eternal nature consciousness. This awakening event is metaphorically deeply ingrained in many myths and cultures across the globe: the search for the Holy Grail which endows eternal life, the alchemist’s quest for the Philosopher’s Stone, which transmutes base metal (ignorance) into gold, and Jason’s mythical search for the Golden Fleece of a holy ram are just three examples. The parallels between these traditions were recognized by the Rosicrucians, who reframed the common, underlying spiritual quest in Christian symbology. The Rosicrucian inscription “Ingi Natura Renovatur Integra” is reminiscent of the Romani flag’s symbolism and means “By the (divine) Fire (of Love) all Nature becomes renewed.”