>>7309326its an interesting question.. why.... I mean the deeper reason behind the surface facts. These facts for me are that I seem to find films from the recent time period appear to approach the audiences as though they were mental children.. the tendency to rely on emotive triggers and spoon-feeding you the story rather than letting events and characters just develop .. there just always seems to be appearing instances where character A is saying the thing the mass market tells you someone in this situation would say and you're supposed to sense their relationship to you because you'd say that too.. it seems like they employ terribly lame pyscological ploys to get you to identify with and feel connected to the film.. I want an inscrutable, impenetrable film that demands I go beyond my self to discover what's going on.. I don't want to or need to be spoon fed the pop cult drivel of mass marketing hype... this is why I haven't gone to a theatre to see a new film since 1997 when I saw The Game.. I watch old films now from the 30's to the 70's mostly.