COINTELPRO | United States government program |
Britannica.comCOINTELPRO, in full Counterintelligence Program, counterintelligence program conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1956 to 1971 to discredit and neutralize organizations considered subversive to U.S. political stability. — White Hate Groups
FBI Stats and Services. ... COINTELPRO White Hate Groups Part 14 of 14 View. ... is an official site of the U.S. government ... Hate Groups
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - Stanford University
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation ... government officials, ... the FBI created a COINTELPRO against ‘‘Black Nationalist–Hate Groups,’’ which ...
COINTELPRO | Democracy Now!
cointelpro COINTELPRO is an acronym for the FBI’s Counter Intelligence Program, which was used in the 1960s to monitor, manipulate and disrupt social and political movements in the United States. Dr.