Quoted By:
: a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation
Atheist believe :
>everything exist by chance
>life exist despite the odds being 1 in 10^44,000
>life arose from inanimate matter spontaneously in a puddle billions of years ago (never observed or reproduced in an experiment)
>atheist champion empiricism as the only way to knowledge but you cannot use empiricism to prove empiricism
>believe life arose out of said puddle despite the odds of a single protein forming by chance are 1 in 10^164
>there are 10^80 atoms in the universe for reference
>atheist believe in objective morality despite having no justification for it
>atheist believe they can trust their senses despite believing were all just chemical reactions/matter in motion formed by chance
>atheist will claim that morality is subjective but then treat morality as though it were objective when you do something mean or harmful to them
>atheist believe the 1 in 10^164 chance proteins could all happen at the same time next to each other and magically arrange themselves into a fully functioning cell
>atheist believe in human value despite no justification for it
>some atheist believe logic is material (materialist-atheist) despite the fact logic doesnt change and matter changes (materialism debunked in 2 seconds)
>atheist appeal to their senses to make sense of the world but will admit their senses evolved by random chance
>atheist will claim logic is a man-made concept despite knowing full well that the laws of logic are transcendental and universal because you car cannot be in your garage and not in your garage at the same time and this rule is the same on earth or any other planet/place in the universe
>atheist take the uniformity of nature for granted (not uniformitarianism) despite the fact the uniformity of nature cannot exist in their materialist world view
atheism is a huge leap of blind faith and highly superstitious.