>>4486770>Nicemark seems noticeablely different Good. He needs to change so more people will want to post with him.
>People will remember this. And they’ll remember you.Like they don't already? Bant knows more about me than pretty much anyone on this site. Why? Because unlike many here I'm comfortable with being real. Because I'm fucking awesome. I'm a chad remember?
>This is your legacy. The man who started a war because of his heart, like it’s goddamned Troy. The man who broke /bant/.It's a great lesson that both sides are wrong. You have a choice in bant either shit on the gayposters and risk destroying the whole board or just be an adult and fucking ignore shit you don't like. I tested the resolve of bant today only to show that you guys will break in an instant something drastic happens to your board. It's amazing because we're such a close knit group but fuck man have some dignity. My wife is like the only true genuine nice poster. She'll smug post but never downright rood post. Even Denmark broke in this. It's a great lesson to be had. Especially if it's going to be my legacy.
>I hope you’re fucking happy.I am now. I fucked this board up hard and I'm kinda proud of that.
>>4486775>>4486784>>4486788>>4486792>>4486794>>4486797Look at all this butt hurt? Come on that's an achievement. I pretty much rustled all of bants jimmies just because I'm crazy when I get dumped.
Yeah. I'm fucking happy.
>>4486813>Broken things can be fixed.Yeah they can and more often than not it takes a lot of work.
Pretty much this whole post I approve of. Especially: what's to say that things won't settle down as early as tomorrow?
Most of you will pass out and forget this ever happened.