>>1860488"I'll tell you what we are: we ARE racists. I believe in race - I'm not ashamed to admit it at all. And that doesn't mean one bit that I'm out to persecute or hurt any man because of his race - he can't help what race he is. The same way that I'm a racist is the way I feel toward my children. Now, I love my children. Nobody would say that I'm out to persecute my children, but I certainly wouldn't let my children come and sit in on a business meeting with me, or sit at a formal dinner with me. Because they're simply not mature enough for that sort of thing. That doesn't mean I'm persecuting them, it means I recognize a fact. And that is the sense in which we are racists. We believe that each race has particular geniuses and particular faults. The white race has built white western christian civilization, and we think the white race should dominate in that area."
>"Nazism - above all things, is racism. And we differ with the southern racists, who try to disguise their racism. For instance, down here in Mississippi last week. Nothing ever tore my heart and my head further apart. What happened in Mississippi, tactically and legally, was wrong. And I was on the side of the federal government, as hard as that may be to believe. And as much as I had to fight our southern adherents, because I believe in law, and I believe in upholding the law even when it is as much against what I believe in as that was down there. My heart was with General Walker and Governor Barnett, and my head was with the Federal Government and the troops."