>>18212826dude is always pushing psyops, maybe it's in his bloodline or something. have seen younger generational masons pushing vax to their normie associates on social media
pasta re sound of freedom:
https://t.me/memeticism/2242from "the sound of freedom" movie.
this is a "ping" to the qanon cult members
lots of psyops running around this movie, mostly exploiting the latent qanon memeplex
utilization of streisand effect:
>>434260849utilization of muddying the waters (vax/nano)
https://twitter.com/mrnastynodrama/status/1679238512539758593playing both sides of this meme/movie - is highly weaponized memetically
qanon memeplex is essentially being used to corral the "justice impetus" on controlled terms (basically controlled opposition).
notice how the movie was basically pure emotional appeals, with memetic ping to qanon, and absolutely no relation real role of human trafficking to the power structure.
not to detract from any genuine truth/justice from the real story portrayed in the movie. just seems like they took a real tragedy/hero story and weaponized it for even more evil