Anonymous (ID: B+pLgRf9) 06/11/20(Thu)20:10:15 No.10513383
>>10513386 >>10513370 (OP)
what are your favorite pastimes?
Ritsu (ID: WE9iDzCr) 06/11/20(Thu)20:10:50 No.10513386
3.jpg (26 KB, 533x300) google yandex iqdb wait
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>>10513383 playing games. currently been playing a lot of csgo and terraria.
Anonymous (ID: KHCdbMt5) 06/11/20(Thu)21:38:05 No.10513612
>>10513378 what do you mean
Anonymous (ID: p+HoBw9m) 06/12/20(Fri)02:29:53 No.10514804
1591946986188.jpg (61 KB, 459x477) google yandex iqdb wait
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A face-recognition software determined that Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa is 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, and 2% angry.. girl drives merrily. odd