We ought not be Christian for political purposes alone - we ought to be Christian because the faith is True:
>"I AM the way the truth and the life"Still, God's truth is to be done on Earth - the truth has political implications. The device of recalling Jesus Christ is useful for keeping our fellow brothers "checked" or "in line". It is also for keeping ourselves in line, when we find we are straying from the life of Christ. Without God, there is no reason to stay morally upright, for if we would not do God's will but our own will then ww are like trees without roots, subject to the whims of sin and the fruits of the world.
>"Whosoever has trust in the Lord is like a tree that is set out by the river [which gives life]. Whosoever puts his trust in man shall received the curses of Jeremiah" - St AphrehatesYet we too, are men, and therefore are subject to corruption, as was Judas. Therefore put your trust in the LORD, and do the WILL OF THE LORD, YOUR GOD.