>>10063738I didn't pic it.
ilb flour, 250ml water, 1 sachet yeast, 2 x table spoon of olive oil, sprinkle of salt and sugar. mix and need, it needs to be sticky. Cover and proove for 1-2 hours. You get the feel of it after making it a while and can add more flour or water, it needs to be sticky though, thats key
tin of tomatoes, olive oil to line pan, heat, chuch toms in, smashe the fuck out of the, add basil, pepper, salt, let it thicken, chuck about 1-2 tbspoon tom puree. (sometimes i thinly chop a small onion, and add that). let t go cold
pre heat oven to highest temp (250g of dough makes a 12-14 inch pizza). palm out, spin and stretch, add flour and roll if needed
My "dominoes garlic dip"
3 part mayonnaise, 1 part olive oil. 2 cloves garlic, 2 teaspoons of mixed herbs, tiny tiny bit of salt and pepper.
pic is a mini one I make for the dog every week when my colleagues didn't believe I make my dog pizza every Saturday. I use a tiny pieace of dough to make sure its