>>16050141Sure, but, those are simpler things and therefore something you could jump over, given enough time and practice.
You can get over your disgust over killing insects easily if you try, but do you think you could ever hold back an intense of disgust if you had excrement doused over your head? I think the anger you experienced is similar to the feeling of disgust, in that way. It's just not realistic to think that you could think about enough and condition yourself to feel alright with something that bad, even if you got over easier versions of it in the past.
I feel that the only way that you would end up not being as disgusted with something like that, is if it happened enough times for you to just not feel anything about it anymore. And that's not really your mental strength that comes from thinking, it's just how you get used to it after enough time of dealing with that particular something.
And that being said, I think the feeling of intense anger is even harder to keep in than that disgust, so, it only makes it harder
So, you won't be able to be better for it next time by thinking about how you could, it's more so a matter of building tolerance. You've already had one experience now, and if she does something on this level yet again, there's a chance that the aftermath is less worse, because you already went through it once. And gradually, to a point where you don't care anymore. But that's in the worst case scenario, hope it doesn't happen enough for that to come to reality.
I suppose it's no surprise that it hit you this hard if it's the first time she brought up a subject that's really touchy for you. You already got shot once, therefore you'll naturally deal with it better in the next occasion, even if you're still getting shot. Although, that depends on exactly where the bullet hits. Enough with the analogies, you get the point.
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