>>9597899>I know how to "fix" my life but I can't seem to bring forth the motivation to do it?If you lack intrinsic motivation and willpower, you can compensate for it with habits, patterns and routines. Start those routines with super easy baby steps.
Suppose that you want to run 5 miles every day. Don't start by setting out to run those 5 miles. Start with, like, jogging around the block. If you find that you don't even have the willpower to jog around the block every day, then put your running clothes on, walk outside your house, then walk back in. Form the routine of putting on your running shoes, stepping outside, and walking back into your house. Do this until you are 100% comfortable with it and it comes to you effortlessly. Then start jogging the block. Build habits and routines one baby step at a time, and you'll never have to worry about lacking motivation / willpower.
I helped you with a problem. Now you help me with one. My country has been hijacked by an international clique of rootless cosmopolitan moneylenders. Wat do?