>>10322626>Otherwise I'd also recommend Gunbuster but you've probably already heard that. Jin Roh is great if you haven't seen that.seen jin roh, never heard of Gunbuster b4.
> Just do body weight exercises and we'll be natty nigger in prison mode in no time. Well doc I do body weight exercises, just not all of them everyday. Only do 15 push-ups everyday. Can do 50 sit-ups and 5 pull-ups. I'm weak by /fit/'s standers and and look like I do don't even work out at all been working out for 2 years just half ass. So everyone can't tell that I even work out. They look ripped because they don't have anything to do. And that's years that they have been working out. Some states prisons don't even have weight because prisoners use them as weapons. Use to do 30'60s for cardio stopped because of the weather. I've been thinking on just running for a quarter mile on a river trail near by. But is self conscious about running on mine own.