>>10643158 >As (post-)HUManitY EmERGes from tHE NEuRoChEmicaL DaRk AgeS, ENRicHED DOPAminERgIc fUNctioN in pArtIcULaR MAy SHaRPeN THE sHEer iNtenSITY ANd mEaNiNGFuLnESs Of evEry MomeNT OF conscioUs exiSteNcE. foR a GENeRAtIOn whoSE lIfEtImeS SpAN BOTh modes of aWareNEsS, It WiLl be AS If THEy haD just wOken uP. theY wILl FeEl THEy haD HiTHertO bEen SleEp-wAlkINg thROuGH liFe In a TWILit sTUpoR. ThErEAfTer theIr ForMER MUNDAnE And MINIMal eXISTence mAY BE reCALlEd OnLY AS sOME kIND OF zOMbiFied tRancE-StAte wHoSE naTURe tHey WEre pHYsiOLOgiCALlY IncaPAblE Of rECOGNIsing.