The trinity denies the death of Jesus and thus denies the gospel.
The gospel: Jesus died on the cross for your sins.
Trinity: Jesus is god, god is truine, god cannot die, Jesus the god did not die, only Jesus body died. trinity land their is Jesus the Logos and Jesus the man. Jesus the man dies on the cross. The Logos being a part of the trinity CAN NOT DIE!. A three person god cannot become a two person god and go back to being a three person god. If this is the case, that the truine god can add persons to himself, then would you not concede that if god so willed that even more persons can be added to this godhead? Could not we in the future have a 4 person god? The quadrinity?, 5 person god, the pentocracy?, Perhaps a 100 billion person god? What shall we call this 100 billion person god, the googleplex?
In trinity land you have the real Jesus, the logos, and you have the puppet avatar of Jesus, the man. The real Jesus is alive in heaven, while the puppet Jesus dies on the cross for your sins. This denies that Jesus came in the flesh. Kill Jesus and you kill the Logos. The Logos died! That dead body in the tomb it not just the body of the Logos. That dead body in the tomb is the Logos. The logos became a corpse. The real Jesus is the Logos. There is only ONE JESUS! Is not God omnipresent? And if Jesus is god, then the he too is omnipresent. When the triune Jesus died all that dies is his body. Since he is everywhere there is no way for him to die.