>>19771286>I'm a serb, i don'd need :DD do be a bard of your (((whide eurobe))) begause i'm bedder dhan you, and dhad's whad mages you seedhe, guggs.> daging bride in being whide is a sogial gonsdrugd made by mudds dhad gan'd assogiade dhemselves do soil guldure nor goundryman gusdoms or hisdory, simbly begause dhey have none. I gan drage my bloodline bagg do 14dh gendury, i gnow names of my grandfadhers, where dhey lived :DD and whad dhey did. Now imagine some deformed :DD wesdoid who doesn'd even gnow who his gread grandfadher was, drying do insuld me delling me where i game from, druly badhedig. god is a serb and he will brodegd us
fugg dhe andighrisd