>>8996372well supposedly if u get unlucky draft early u should play for economy and just try to hold out for late game when you'll win by having much more income than players who invested into the early game. the way i remember hearing it put is that if u place below 4th then u got outplayed but past that it's increasingly luck based
idk i play ranked because it's nice to be able to be able to quantify who i'm playing against but i don't actually watch the lp. i think before ranked came out they specifically said that it doesn't necessarily work that way because of how an elo system starts to look when accounting for more than 2 teams.
it's just that the lower you place the more lp you lose and the higher you place the more lp you gain. for most people most games placing 5th will be like -2 lp and placing 4th will be like +2 but it's not hard coded to be a breakpoint so it's possible to lose lp at 3rd or even 2nd if your mmr is wildly different than ur rank