I hate workkk aaauhigrai
My body is very sore now i need to rest in bed and sleep for 1,000 hours consecutively, that's the bare minimum for survival it feels like
>>18567183Thank you canadian, i agree neet time was the best, i am already wishing to return
>>18569779Omg hi remipolly, ongratulations!!!!!!!!!!
I'm proud of my younger bro polly hehe..congrats really!! Now you can drive anywhere and there are many more opportunities for you :D
Have you been up to any more adventures lately, like when you went into the forest at night recently? I've been thinking about that it seems way too spooky
>>18569799I clean all the floors in a hospital, it has 2 floors...i don't plan to work at this job for more than three months maximum
>>18571439Noooo don't sit on my friend!!!
>>18571923*presents you with hero of general award first class*
Thank you!
>>18575343I'm back, I'll make it!!