Quoted By:
>Be 16
>Somehow not see a weird blue car in my driveway until right up against it
>Decide to get in car after it mysteriously opens
>Old man who probably doesn't have a PHD says he needs me
>Says my talents are unfounded
>Just completed driving test after after my father blows me off
>Say fuck it, and drive to the location.
>See giant cube with obvious product placement.
>Shrug it off
>Still question grey cube in the middle of California
>Drive in
>Once parked, question why I have a suit with number one on it
>Look around and see a motley crew
>Some asshole with a pompadour gives me the sting eye.
>Shrug like a jew,
>Look up to giant screen
>No product placement for once
>Dr. Peter Tezla goes on about a race in another world
>Doubt it like a motherfucker
>Something about a wheel of fortune.